Thursday, 15 March 2018

God - The Final Frontier

Modern espousals of evidence for the existence of God are generally based on German philosopher Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason restricting any possible understanding of facts to those who are eligible to human perception. Consequently, nobody ever succeeded in producing indubitable evidence for the existence or non-existence of God. At its best, human beings may enter the border area between Men and God which, however, should suffice to deduce the existence of the Prime Mover. Due to men’s natural restrictions, one should perhaps not expect the final empirical evidence. It must fulfil its purpose to accept circumstantial evidence until we know better. If men could accept this natural restriction, it should be much easier to cross the border between science and faith, which is the only way to overcome men’s restriction and reach a state of faith that is not based on mythical tradition, as is the case with most other religions. Similar to Deism, believing in the existence of the Prime-Mover, or World’s Mover, is faith that is based on reason.
Besides the question of existence, there are other questions concerning the nature of the World’s Mover. Does He influence today’s events, or did He just give the initial move once and for all? This may depend on the strength or the echo of the move. Was it strong enough to move the world forever? In that case, our fate could be determined already and we may not possess a free will. Has the merchant on a ship at sea really made his own decision when he threw his ware overboard to survive the storm? Probably not. Therefore, one may deduce that there is an echo from the initial move that lasts till today, because the World’s Mover is eternal - he does not yield to time.

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